So you can imagine my excitement when my aunt passed on a recipe for Big City's wild rice and mushroom soup. I spent half the day tracking down all of the ingredients, who would have guessed that crimini and shitake mushrooms would be so hard to find.
**As a side note, my search took me to Sunflower Market. They have the best produce at the best prices! Loved it!
But back to the story, I spent half the day shopping for the ingredients and then soaking the rice, cooking the rice, chopping the ingredients, until finally it was time to put it all together. Two hours laters, after following the recipe quite precisely, my soup was done and drum roll was terrible. I was so disappointed. Granted I never actually had this soup at Big City when it was open (I had a hard time straying from the Thai Chicken Curry) but I can't imagine that they served anything close to what I ended up with. I put it in a tupperware and stuck it in the fridge because after all that work I couldn't stand to put in down the sink. Maybe it will taste better warmed up tonight, doubtful.
RIP Big City Soup